Anti-aging / Skin Brightening
抗衰老 / 護膚嫩白
Casmara Luxury Skincare (90 Minutes) $388
Casmara‘s unique formula with effective cosmetics technique for each individual’s skin needs. The famous Goji/Algae peel-off masks were sensational in the Spa industry. And its ingredients are carefully selected to reduce skin irritation. It is the best choice for anti-aging, skin hydration, firming and restoring.
Casmara Luxury Skincare
Luxury Casmara skin care + Hydrafacial Lymphatic drainage + LightStim Elipsa LED. Customized skin Booster for what your skin needs
- Circadia Chrono-Peptide
- Omorovicza Advanced Skin Renewal
- ZO Skin Rozatrol anti- inflammatory Booster
- 4)Glytone AHA Resurfacing Cellular
ProCell - MicroChanneling therapy
Microchanneling stimulates skin cell collagen production, which helps to improve the overall texture and tone of the skin. It can effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.
蘭梵納奢華水飛梭 (75 Minutes) $268
蘭梵納獨創品牌_深層潔淨配方讓附著在皮膚上的彩妝,髒汙完全溶解; 配合 Lavana 獨特保濕配方能讓肌膚充滿滋潤,活化皮膚上的膠原蛋白使其得以恢 復彈性。
Lavana 奢華水飛梭套裝護理加LightStim Elipsa LED灯
- Circadia 時空勝肽去皺美白精華
- Omorovicza 礦物氨基酸生長因子精 華
- ZO Skin 聯名消炎抗敏修復精 華
- Glytone AHA 細胞重整極度保濕精華
微針系列- 使用人體幹細胞提煉精華液,有效抗衰老, 激活膠原蛋白, 讓肌膚更鮮嫩 Procell微通道療法是一種美容療法, 促進膠原蛋白生成,並提高皮膚對護膚品的吸收能 力。改善皮膚質地和膚色, 有助於改善皮膚的整體質地和膚色。它可以有效減少細紋、皺紋、痤瘡疤痕和色素沈著,並讓皮膚更亮白鮮嫩